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Articles published in refereed academic journals and other featured contributions.

Journal Publications

Walter, N., Saucier, C. J., Brooks, J., Suresh, S., Fiers, F., & Holbert, L. (2024). The Chaffee Principle: The most likely effect of communication… is further communication. Annals of the International Communication Association, 1-18.

Saucier, C., Ma, Z., Montoya, J. A., Plant. A., Suresh, S., Robbins, C., Fraser, R. (2024). Overcoming health information inequities: Valley Fever information repertoires among vulnerable communities in California. Health Communication, 1-18.

Walter, N., Holbert, L., Brooks, J., Saucier, C. J., Suresh, S., & Fiers, F. (2023). Getting out of Debt: The Communication-Begets-Communication (CBC) Typology as an Approach to Theoretical Advancement in the Field. International Journal of Communication, 18, 20.

Suresh, S., Demetriades, S. Z., Walter, N., Montoya, J. A., Plant, A., Barker, K., Orvañanos, C., & Carranza, J. (2023). From watching to calling: Linking variations in an entertainment-education storyline with calls to a health hotline. Health Communication, 1-12.


Suresh, S., & Walter, N. (2022). Guilt by association, change by individuation: Examining the role of guilt and efficacy in mitigating collective risks. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 52(11), 1049-1061.


Suresh, S., Walter, N., Montoya, J. A., Plant, A., & Barker, K. (2022). Drama, intrigue, and discussion: The role of telenovelas in facilitating conversations about reproductive health in Mexican households. Journal of Health Communication, 27(7), 484-494.


Saucier, C. J., Suresh, S., Brooks, J. J., Walter, N., Plant, A., & Montoya, J. A. (2021). The effect of an entertainment-education intervention on reproductive health of young women of color. Health Communication, 37(9), 1093-1103.


Walter, N., Brooks, J. J., Saucier, C. J., & Suresh, S. (2020). Evaluating the impact of attempts to correct health misinformation on social media: A meta-analysis. Health Communication, 36(13), 1776-1784.

Manuscripts in Progress & Under Review

Suresh, S., Walter, N., and Green, M., "Getting too lost in a story? The role of narrative transportation in promoting misinformation."

Suresh, S. and Edgerly, S., "Opinion leadership in the age of Instagram: Analysis of persuasive techniques used by wellness and health influencers."

Brooks, J., Suresh, S., Relova, J., Radhakrishnan, M., Liu, C., Walter, N., and Sisson, G., "A content-analysis of abortion representation on U.S. streaming platforms."

Featured Contributions

Suresh, S., "Vaccine hesitancy in the Covid-19 era." (2021). Northwestern Public Health Review.

Suresh, S., "Entertainment as a tool for health behavior change." (2020). Northwestern Public Health Review.

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